Founding Partners
The Technische Universität Dresden is one of the top universities in Germany and Europe: strong in research and considered first-rate with respect to the range and the quality of the study programmes it offers, it is also closely interconnected with culture, business and society.
As a modern comprehensive, multi-discipline university and with its 18 faculties in five schools it has a broad and diverse scientific spectrum that only few other universities in Germany are able to match. The large campus family of the TU Dresden is comprised of 32,400 students and approximately 8,300 employees – among them 600 professors. With 121 degree courses the TU Dresden offers a full range of studies, as a basis for interdisciplinary learning and research.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the largest organisation for applied research in Europe. It conducts research under contract for industry, the service sector and public administration and also offers information and services. The association takes its name from Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826), the illustrious Bavarian researcher, inventor and entrepreneur.
Fraunhofer participates in international networks and organisations like the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO), the Global Research Alliance (GRA) and the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO).
Faculty of Computer Science

TU Dresden has one of the largest departments of Computer Science in Germany. With 26 professors, it hosts 2000 students and educates 220 graduates per year, as well as 30 PhDs. The department earns more than 10M€ third-party funds per year, being the second-best grant-raising department in Germany. It takes part in three excellence clusters, two Collaborative Research Centers (SFB 356 and 248), as well as three PhD training groups (Graduiertenkolleg) and a Max-Planck IMPRS Graduate School.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering has been at the core of the development of Technical University Dresden and it is today the largest faculty at this university.
Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering

Tradition and innovation, successful education and research, distinguished scientists and highly motivated young researchers define the profile of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the TU Dresden. In teaching and research, the faculty covers the complete field of electrical engineering and information technology.
Centre for Tactile Internet with Humans-in-the-Loop

CeTI is a cluster of excellence of the TU Dresden. The central vision is to enable people to interact in quasi-real time with cyberphysical systems (CPS) in the real or virtual world via intelligent wide area communication networks in order to enable people and machines to exchange skills and expertise globally.
Visit CeTI
Center for the Physics of Life

PoL is a cluster of excellence of the TU Dresden. The central vision is to understand the physical principles and laws that underlie the dynamic organization of living matter across scales, from molecules to organs. This constitutes a formidable learning and inference task from very large data (petabytes at several GB/s). Therefore, an entire Research Avenue (RA5) of PoL is dedicated to AI and ML research for the biomedical sciences, including the development of self-learning autonomous microscopes, data-driven model inference, inference of mathematical equations and physical laws from biomedical image data, and ML-based computer vision for the life sciences, as well as immersive analytics of dynamic multidimensional datasets.
Visit PoL
Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden

The Cluster “cfaed” addresses breakthroughs in advancing electronics in order to enable hitherto unforeseen innovations. The main research foci result from the Excellence Cluster phase 2012–2018 and the existing excellence here in Dresden. The Cluster aims at impacting the future of electronics by initiating revolutionary new applications such as electronics featuring zero-boot time, THz imaging, and complex biosignal processing.
Visit cfaed
Process-to-Order Lab
TU Dresden’s School of Engineering founded the Process-to-Order Lab in 2018 for the digital transformation of the process industries. The lab unites researchers from Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science who contribute to this field of research from product to process design, from process simulation to process automation and from information modelling to integration. The lab’s mission is to bridge the unconnected disciplinary digital technology lakes both in academia and industry.
Next Generation ML Lab
The faculties of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology have agreed to found an interdisciplinary lab for next- generation machine learning in spring 2019. The lab will unite all researchers developing future machine learning techniques, as well as using machine learning techniques in application areas, such as computer vision or data science. The lab’s particular mission is to develop generalized machine learning techniques such as model inference, symbolic learning techniques, distributed and hardware-based learning techniques.
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing
The research orientation of ZIH on parallel and data intensive computing is based on its powerful system for high performance computing and high-performance storage. Its focus is on the development of new methods and algorithms for solving the growing challenges of science and research. Moreover, ZIH covers important research challenges in data acquisition, management, and exploitation of large data sets for a broad spectrum of users.
Scalable Data Services and Solutions
The BMBF-funded national competence center for Big Data ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig started its second funding phase in October 2018. ZIH, the faculty of Computer Science of the TUD, and Fraunhofer IVI are part of its expert team. The unique feature of the center is its integrated service center concept. As a central point of contact for interested parties, it pushes the development of Big Data applications and acts as a connecting element between the application areas and methodical Big Data research on a large scale.
Visit ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig
Fraunhofer IAIS
The Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS is one of the leading scientific institutes in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data in Germany and Europe. With the new office of Fraunhofer IAIS in Dresden, the institute expands their expertise to our region with a focus on conversational AI allowing humans to communicate efficiently with machines.
Visit Fraunhofer IAIS
Fraunhofer IWU
The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU is an engine for innovations in the research and the leading institute for resource-efficient production. Around 600 employees at our locations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Zittau open up potentials for competitive manufacturing. Our scientific research and contract research focuses on components, processes and the associated complex machine systems – the entire factory.
Visit Fraunhofer IWU
Fraunhofer IVI
Fraunhofer IVI employs over 120 researchers in three departments. and collaborates closely with the universities TU Dresden and TU Bergakademie Freiberg. IVI is operating in a wide array of transport-related research and development topics, ranging from the fields of connected and automated vehicles, intelligent transport systems, real-time traffic information, sensor technologies, testing and certification processes, while also incorporating information and communication sectors. Many of these fields already use AI methods, such as machine learning and semantic technologies, in today’s applications and are seeking to use more versatile and more efficient AI technologies in the future.
Visit Fraunhofer IVI
Fraunhofer IIS / EAS
Fraunhofer IIS is one of the most important industrial applied research facilities for the development of microelectronic systems. More than 100 employees design reliable microchips and complex electronic systems in leading-edge semiconductor technologies and develop corresponding design methods in the Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems EAS in Dresden. Further research areas are the development of intelligent sensor systems, data analytics and new approaches for distributed control.
Visit Fraunhofer IIS/EAS
Center for Systems Biology Dresden
The CSBD is a joint center between the Max Planck Society and TU Dresden. It researches theoretical and computational approaches to living systems with a methodological focus on theoretical modeling, deep learning, data-driven equation inference, smart microscopy, genome learning, and numerical computer simulations and high-performance computing.
Visit the CSBD
The CD-CPPS focuses on the conducive design of the cooperation between human operators and technology in cyber-physical production systems. The core research question is how to achieve optimal performance of the entire socio-technical system via the combination of the unique potentials provided by humans and machines for co-working and co-creation.
Visit the CD-CPPS
From autonomous vehicles to Industry 4.0, from smart homes to smart cities – increasingly computer programs participate in actions and decisions that affect humans. Seamless support for perspicuity is a formidable and largely unsolved scientific challenge. It touches understanding at design-time, plausibilisation at run-time, and – in case of a malfunctioning – justification at inspection-time. The Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 248 takes up this challenge. It lays the scientific foundations for designing, analysing and interacting with computerised systems that explicate their functioning. We call them Perspicuous Systems.
Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio 248 CPEC
End of 2018, Infineon has opened a design center for AI-related chips and automotive electronics in Dresden. The center is headed by Dr. Uwe Gäbler, member of the network Silicon Saxony and initiator of several working groups for IoT applications. It shall grow up to 250 employees and engineers.
Visit Infineon
Smart Systems Hub
The Smart Systems Hub is part of the national hub initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics, de:hub. Dresden and Leipzig promote smart solutions and enable the Internet of Things. With exciting start-ups, excellent research and innovative established companies, both metropolises are building on established structures.
Visit the Smart Systems Hub
5G Lab Germany
The 5G Lab Germany is a world leading research center focusing on the fifth generation of mobile communication system with more than 20 TU Dresden professors and around 20 industry partners. The focus is to carry out research on low latency, resilient, and secure communication to boost the digital transfer in Germany.